Drag Racing with Handguns – MGM Targets Man on Man Grand Nationals

This Event Will Be Held July 24-31, 2011

As Americans we love our guns and we certainly love competition.  If you are a handgun owner, you have probably heard of, seen on TV, or even attended some sort of competition.  All of these handgun competitions are fun to shoot, but some are more fun than others to watch.   The Parma Rod & Gun in Parma, Idaho is bringing back the handgun match that is one of the most exciting to shoot and watch.  This event started in Montrose, Colorado and has is now making a comeback after a few years off.

The event I speak of is the MGM Targets Man on Man Grand Nationals.  I call it an event because it is so much more than just a match.  There are stages, side matches, team competitions, and the main event to watch and participate in.  This all starts on Sunday and ends the next Sunday with what is called the Grand Finale Shootoffs.  That is where the best of the best are matched against each other to see who the best shooter is.


Before I get into that I should provide some details on the format.  For this competition (or match) all of the targets are made of steel.  A single elimination bracket of shooters is made for each stage, and the whole match has 15 stages.  Shooters are randomly paired for each stage and as shooters win they progress through the bracket until there is a winner. You will be shooting against shooters of similar skill level so beginner and intermediate shooters are welcome.


What are the competitors shooting at?  Each shooter has an identical array of steel targets to knock over and then a stop plate to finish on.  The shooter that knocks over all of his steel and stop plate first wins.  This is why we call it drag racing with handguns.  The catch is that each bout in the bracket is best 2 out of 3, so even if the competitor has a bad run he still has a chance for a comeback.  The match is shot in 3 days, 5 stages a day.  Even if a competitor lost every bout, he will still fire close to 300 rounds in three days.  The chances of losing every bout are slim, so bring lots of ammo!

All of that shooting is done the second half of the week.  The first half competitors can warm up by competing in what is called the FNH Challenge.  This event takes just one day, but competitors shoot all 15 stages in one day for time.  That’s right, over 300 rounds in one day!  Each shooter shoots each stage 3-4 times for time and the lowest time on each stage is thrown out.  Add it all together and the lowest final time wins.  This is a cash payback event, so the more people that enter, the more money competitors will win. The FNH Challenge takes place Sunday through Tuesday.


Even after all that there is still more shooting that takes place.  The rest of the events are known as side matches or team events.  Various shooting challenges for everything from .22LR, shotgun, rifle, and pistol are there for shooters to compete it.  The prizes are cash, guns, and various other products.  You can read more about these events at the Grand Nats website at www.mgmtargets-grandnats.com


You are probably thinking that only professionals or sponsored shooters participate in this event.  That is not the case, in fact this event has something for everyone.  If you own a pistol or revolver and want to compete, you are invited.   This aspect is what truly makes it so much fun.  You will shoot with pros and amateurs alike.  Even families attend and bring all the kids.  There are no special requirements to participate, just be a safe gun handler and come have some fun.  If you don’t want to shoot the larger events, come try your hand in the side matches.  You will literally see how you stack up against some of the best shooters in the world.  You might even surprise yourself and win something really great.


On that note I would be remiss if I did not mention our sponsors.  These companies are truly generous to our event and other events all over the country.  They literally give away thousands of dollars every year to help shooters and ensure that all of the various sports are supported.  I can’t mention them all here, but if you go to the website you will see them there.  Take some time to visit their websites and definitely patronize them when you are looking to buy.

The title sponsor of the Grand Nationals is MGM Targets from Caldwell, Idaho and MGM is arguably the best steel target maker in the business.  Mike Gibson, owner of MGM, shot the Handgunner for years in Colorado and it was one of his favorite events every year.  Mike has a passion for this match and wanted to see it back and has been instrumental in its rebirth.

I want to personally invite everyone that reads this to come to the Parma Rod & Gun this July.  You can spectate, participate, or both.  You will hear cheering, laughing, and of course shooting.  It will be a great time for everyone, just bring eye and ear protection and you will be set.  If you have questions, please contact me via email at aarongoodfellow@hotmail.com
Aaron Goodfellow
Match Director
Grand Nationals Man on Man

Match Sponsors